“How does the City get smart?” was the central question of the 7th annual barcamp of Offene Kommunen.NRW.
Once again it was about infecting urban societies with digital DNA and making them want to shape digital change together.
- Invitation #OKNRW 2017 with numerous hints on the topic “SmartCity”
- Planning pad Barcamp Offene Kommunen NRW 2017
- List of attendees
- Hashtag on Twitter: #OKNRW.
Concepts and papers for Smart City are now available like sand at the seaside. It gets exciting when it comes to setting goals, pursuing them with concrete projects and always keeping in mind that the focus must be on people and not on technology. In the announcement of the Offene Kommunen.NRW-Barcamp on the OpenNRW website, explicit reference was made to these different poles of the Smart City discourse.
Sessions and documentations of the workshops:
- Sessions – Saturday, November 10th 2017
- Sessions – Sunday, November 11th 2017
- Video clip from Creative NRW about the Barcamp OffeneKommunenNRW.
- Blog post from OpenNRW about the Barcamp
- Slides of the presentations
- Video Barcamp OffeneKommunen.NRW 2017 (produced by Junge Filmemacher @younectit)
- Interviews with individual participants of the Barcamp 2017 OffeneKommunenNRW
- Jayan Areekadan, Stabsstelle Digitalisierung, Stadt Köln.
- Dr. Björn Fleischer, Geschäftsstelle Open NRW im Wirtschaftsministerium NRW.
- Brigitte Lutz, Magistratsdirektion Stadt Wien, Smart City Wien.
- Caspar Armster, Freie Netzwerker, OK Lab Bonn.
- Michael Peters, OKF, Berlin, Netzwerk Open Government Deutschland.
- Matthi Bolte, Fraktion Bündnis 90/Grüne im Landtag NRW.
- Leon Kaiser, netzpolitik.org, Berlin.
- Antje Eichhorn, Kreativlab, NRW.
- Jörg Bartel, Gemeinde Stemwede, Modellkommunen Open Government NRW.
- Christina Kampmann, SPD-Fraktion Landtag NRW.
And finally our own development: We as a network have founded an association: Offene Kommunen.NRW Institut
As a partner we were supported by Creative NRW in cooperation with ecce- european centre for creative economy.
Here you can find the call for projects for the Creative NRW award for the design of a smart city.
Further information to the foundation of the association and our goals. Of course we continue!
We’d be happy if you’d notice us in your calendar: The #OKNRW-Barcamp 2018 will take place on November 17th and 18th, 2018 in Wuppertal again. The location will be announced in time.
A program overview with provided presentations can be found at OKNRW17 Sessions.
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