The association "Offene Kommunen.NRW Institut", short OKNRW Institut, is committed to advancing and shaping the process of openness, cooperation and transparency at state and municipal level in NRW. The OKNRW Institute is committed to a sustainable society that draws its strength and innovative ability from a spirit of openness and self-responsibility. This society invites to participate; it focuses on cooperation and social balance.

The association is a civil society initiative that shows that positive change is possible through openness. To the founding members belong: Dieter Hofmann, Damian Paderta, Christopher Reinbothe, Panagiotis Paschalis, Dr. Agnes Mainka, Dr. Tobias Siebenlist, Dr. Anke Knopp and Felix Schaumburg.

Association Board Members

Dieter Hofmann


Dr. Agnes Mainka


Panagiotis Paschalis


Damian Paderta


Goals of the association

The aim of the association is to promote and shape openness, cooperation and transparency at state and municipal level in NRW.

We are therefore working on the following projects:

  • Scientific work and research: theoretical, but also interlinked with practice (e.g. in cooperation with concrete Open Government projects).
  • Education: Empowerment and encouragement of people to found and participate in Open Government projects, competence building in dealing with Open Government, creation and provision of materials, organisation of workshops, lectures, congresses, conferences, barcamps, seminars, summer schools, etc.
  • Publications: Research results, press releases, educational materials, etc.
  • Cooperation: national and international, with interested parties, social movements, research institutions, universities, non-governmental organisations, political parties, public administrations, etc.
  • Committee work: Cooperation in committees for the development and promotion of Open Government.
  • Creation of a knowledge archive: collecting and sharing project knowledge and project ideas.
  • Advice and support: Assistance with the initiation and implementation of Open Government projects.

An important pillar of our activities is the Barcamp Offene Kommunen.NRW (OKNRW), which has been held annually in Wuppertal since 2011.

The core of our message is the (available only in German).

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